We have burritos a lot, so it is perfect for us! It’s great because he always gets me a serious card and a funny one!

I started this blog on Valentine’s Day of this year and was going to post on my husband’s birthday, but didn’t post it until now because this week is our anniversary and I thought it was appropriate for many reasons, but the main one is I haven’t done it because of fear and not committing to myself that I could and would do it.

The reason that I did is because I thought it would help me hold myself accountable to set and accomplish some personal goals that I want to achieve if I make them public. I know it is putting myself out there, but I also wanted to work on some life skills that are important to me and for me to pass on anything that I have or learn along the way. So for both of these reasons, I am posted this now.

I love this card and he gets me the best cards!
When I was buying my card, I saw this one and I thought that it looks like a card that my husband would buy and when I saw it I had to laugh!


What in the world does this title mean? Well, I will explain!

I was telling my husband and son that I was going to post a blog that would help me to be more accountable to myself in order to help me achieve my goals.

They thought it was funny and it seemed to get their interest.

My husband told me it wouldn’t be official if I didn’t make it public.

So here I am! I told him I made it public even though I haven’t been very active on social media, but thought it might help me anyway even if no one else sees it. It is definitely out of my comfort zone so it is good for me!

Thinking he was being funny he said that he knew the name of my next one, which was… you guessed it, “Frozen Pizza and A Happy Husband”! I added the Happy Valentine’s Day, because, how appropriate, it just so happens to have been Valentine’s Day!

We all laughed about it because we all know the story behind it. Over thirty years ago I made a meatloaf without catsup(at least it had meat!) and made the mashed potatoes in a blender to get the lumps out, which were a little runny, but I didn’t think they were that bad! He said it didn’t taste like his mother’s cooking, so he automatically assumed the roll of doing most the cooking! Granted, he is an excellent cook and it worked out great for me. Even though I didn’t know it at the time, but realized that I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried!

He said I do make a mean frozen pizza and he knows it’s done when the smoke alarm goes off! He is quite humorous isn’t he?

We have laughed about it over the years, but I think I really got the last laugh when he cooks such good meals(Probably can’t blame him for the lbs. I need to lose, which another reason for this blog)! For example, below is a photo of a very good breakfast cooked over the fire & a charcoal grill and a photo of a delicious home-cooked dinner that looks like a work of art!

I didn’t tell him, but I decided to name the next blog for him since he thought he was so funny, which I have to add I did too, but I don’t want him to know it! Well, I guess it’s too late for that now!

I won’t tell him yet, but cooking more is one of the life skills I that I am going to work on this year, but for now, mums the word!

He is a good man, husband, and father and I love him very much! I am very grateful to be his wife. Like any couple we have are ups and downs, but so many more ups than downs. And as they say, anything worth having takes work and sacrifice, but SO worth it!

The two photos(above) are the ones he gave me this year. He gets me the best cards ever and he is the best ever!

When I started this post, I really wasn’t sure which direction I was going to go with it, but because of this title, I started asking myself some deep questions.

Would I want to be married to me? Have I been the best wife I could be?

My reply on the first two questions is I can’t change the past, but I have tried to be a good wife, but I know I want to be a better wife and best friend today and in the future.

And I couldn’t stop there!

Another question that I have to ask myself is “Am I happy with the way I am running my own life and if it were my job as my personal assistant, would I fire myself if I could?

My immediate answer to the last question is that I would have fired my a** a long time ago! Another reason for writing this blog is so I can be better(They keep piling up)!

Pretty deep, but instead of kicking myself and going negative which I tend to do, I am not, because it won’t change anything in the past.

I heard someone say and I wish I could remember exactly, but it was similar to what the two photos say below. The bottom line is thinking too much in my head takes me to bad neighborhoods. Boy, isn’t that the truth!

Way past time I start substituting positive activities when I start thinking too much! And as soon as I am AWARE of it, I will make myself switch gears and do something positive. Being more aware of my words and actions will help me make better choices. I learned that awareness is the key to changing our behavior for how we want it to be.

What better day to ask these questions to myself then on Valentine’s Day which is a day about LOVE!

Valentine’s Day is a day to focus on love, but I think we should do that everyday too!

LOVE! I don’t think there is such a thing as too much love!

This is one of my favorite cards that my son gave me on Valentine’s Day years ago! He gets the best cards ever too and he got that from his dad!

It is so important for us to love others as ourselves.

I say to love ourselves like we love others instead of love others as yourself and that is because…

I think that I have been loving others more than myself. When I became aware of it, I realized that I was cheating both myself and others. What I mean by that is that if I wasn’t taking care of myself as well as I could and if I am not happy in my own skin, then I don’t feel like I am giving 100% to myself or to others and that isn’t fair to anyone!

This is the reason that I am investing into myself and concentrating on self-care and loving myself more.

I know that way of thinking will be hard for me to do, because I can’t change my way of thinking overnight, but I know that I need to try and practice it daily and that will help me to build that “muscle”(habit). I think it is a win/win for all involved.

I think by me loving and taking care of myself and being more grateful for all my blessings, I feel like that will help me be able to be a better wife, mom, daughter, sibling, friend etc., … and I will be happier with myself too.

I think it is important for all of us to be our own best friends. I know it isn’t easy to do and I have my work cut out for me, but again, I think it is very important for us!


I was stuck on what photo I wanted to use to end this blog, but last night we had ironically a frozen pizza (which I will make sure I always have a few extra in our freezer, “just in case” we have another emergency situation like this virus or possibly worse)! I quickly decided to use the pizza and I moved a few pepperonis around and it worked perfectly for the theme of today!

“Happy Wife, Happy Life”, I prefer to say:


Wow look at this!

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