I read of a man who stood to speak. At the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone. From the beginning…to the end

My mom and mother-in-law passed away in the past year and it really made me think about how I am living my life or my dash. Both these two amazing women who lived and sacrificed the biggest part of their lives for their families, friends, and others, but they did it because they wanted to (most of the time :)! and they did it with such love! We miss and love them dearly! And I can only hope to live my life in similar ways that they did, but they did leave large shoes to fill!

“The Dash” is the poem that he read.

My sister-in-law read it at her dad’s funeral and it really meant a lot to me and it made me ask myself:

How am I living my dash and is it how I truly want to live my dash?

Or another way to word it is:

How do I NOT want to live my dash?

If your answer (or mine) is not how I am living most of my life now, that isn’t good and maybe it’s time to regroup and think about what you(I) might want to change in the way we live our lives so we can TRULY LIVE OUR DASH!

After thinking about it for awhile, I remember finding one of my son’s homework paper’s when he was in school while de-cluttering items in my home. He was asked what he really wanted for his life. His response was:

What do you want in life?

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I want to be genuinely confident and happy with myself!

I thought that was a great answer especially at his young age and I decided that is what I would really like to say about myself too at my not so young age because if we are genuinely confident and happy with ourselves, then it will show in every aspect of our lives! And that would be awesome!

I am having a good life, and I am so grateful for all my family and friends, and I am so happy to have them in my dash!

But the part I want to work on is myself and how I live my life. I don’t feel like I have been true to myself and lived up to my potential. By that I mean giving 100 percent and trying to be more present and appreciate every moment as much as I am able. I don’t want my dash filled with “untapped” potential energy that was never turned in to kinetic energy and that wouldn’t be good! I have always wanted to use my knowledge of what potential and kinetic energy is since my dad always said everything is physics! It’s never too late to work on bettering myself and I want to fill my dash with the gifts that I have been given and share them with others and stop focusing on what I don’t have and what I cannot do!

I truly BELIEVE it is in our mindset and we have it within us all the time, but we do not always know how to unlock it even though we were born with the key! I can say that because I have spent way too long looking for it outside myself!

Too many wasted seconds, minutes, days, years, decades, half century’s, etc.!!! Yikes! I think you can get what I am trying to say, but I better get busy! The old hourglass doesn’t look the same as it used to!

I don’t want to have lived my life and feel like I haven’t honestly “lived my life”! Excuse my language, but that would really suck!

I haven’t read this book, but I plan to soon.

But the truth is, I do not feel I have lived up to my potential, but I really want to change that and that is why I started this blog.

I am excited to work on writing & living the dash in the story of my life and making better daily choices one day and page at a time!

We can do that only one 24 hour day at a time!



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About Salient

The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

T: +216 (0)40 3629 4753
E: [email protected]