I think the reason they call it “the present” is because it is a gift to all of us and that is why it is so important to “get r done now”, because there is no better time than “the present”.

The present is now.

N.O.W.- Now Or When?

All that we have is NOW! It is the present.

I couldn’t have said it better!


This week I signed up for a class to learn how to sew a blanket. I thought it was appropriate since “warmth and shelter” is the topic of this week’s B.O.B. item. I will post the blanket it when I complete it.

This week our B.O.B. is Warmth & Shelter.

Warmth & Shelter: Since this blog is geared toward putting together a basic kit, we are going to assume that we will be staying with family or friends, a Red Cross shelter, or somewhere under roof and comfortable and not extreme temperatures.

Some items that we will suggest adding this week are an emergency blanket, emergency poncho, emergency sleeping bag, a blanket, a regular sleeping bag and sleeping ground pad, a tarp, tube tent(camping), and a tent if easily transported.

I would like to add that if you are in a disaster in extreme cold or warm temperatures, it would be good to have some supplies and skills to survive at least 3 days or longer, but we won’t be covering that now.

It would be good to add any item that you already own that can be easily carried and keep you warm (or cool) and comfortable.

I added an emergency blanket and poncho to my kit since they don’t take up much space.

Since its winter right now, I am going to add an extra blanket, winter coat, gloves, hat, and some other items to my car that would come in handy if I am stranded in traffic when the conditions can be life threatening.

Having any items that will help you get thru any unexpected situations can only help you, so anything is better than nothing!

With that said…

With that said…


Wow look at this!

This is an optional, highly
customizable off canvas area.

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The Castle
Unit 345
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Manhattan, NY

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