is it Ground Hog Day AGAIN?!

I remember being here before!

My scale seems to be malfunctioning!

I stand corrected: WRONG WEIGH!

I think that is what they say Albert Einstein said was the definition of Insanity!

Or is it time for me to face reality and for me to realize that what I am doing now isn’t going to get me to my goals!

So instead it will say “hello”!

As they say, people can lie. but numbers don’t!

But where do I start getting to a different level of thinking in order for me to get to the next level in every aspect of my life?

Well, I think I should take some advice from Julie Andrew’s song from one of my favorite movies, The Sound of Music…

Let’s start at the very beginning

A very good place to start

When you read, you begin A-B-C

When you sing, you begin with Do-Re-Mi

There are many coices that I want to work on but, a good place for me to start is by drinking more water a day since I know how important water is to our health and water is the B.O.B we will be adding this week.

Water makes up the biggest percentage of every part of our bodies. Some of the percentages are listed below:



Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! That’s what we are told to do and we know it is good for us since our bodies are made up approximately 60-65 % + of water and we need it to keep our bodies healthy, but it isn’t easy for many of us to do including myself!  It doesn’t seem like it should be that hard to do, but for me it is and I am not always good at doing it. Especially since most of our body is made up of water and if we don’t get enough of it then we don’t feel and perform as well as we could if we consumed enough and that is why I decided to start with drinking more water everyday!


Since staying hydrated is so important for all of us and it is recommended that we drink half our body weight in ounces. Since I weigh 142 pounds then I should drink at least 71 ounces of water. Almost 9 cups of water!

That is way more than I am drinking now so my goal is to work hard to get 8 cups in and see how I do and go from there.


The times of day I will drink 2 cups of water by…

9:00 a.m.(2), 12:00 p.m.(2), 3:00 p.m.(2), 6:00p.m(2)

I will set my phone timer on these times to remind me so that I am more apt to do it and I will keep a daily habit tracker to document the days that I drink 8 cups of water.


I would like to add that our body sometimes thinks we are hungry for food and what we really need is water. So I’m hoping it helps curb my appetite and I won’t be as hungry and I eat less. That would be a Win/Win in my book, because losing weight is another challenge I am embarking on too, but today is about the many molecules of 2 Hydrogen atoms + 1 Oxygen atom together in a cup!

I don’t count caffeinated or alcohol drinks as water intake because they are diuretic and drying.

If you’re reading this: Drink a glass of water. You likely need it, as 75 percent of Americans are described as “chronically dehydrated.” While achieving a state of hydration might seem enviable and impossible, fret not because it’s doable. And the health benefits are not only encouraging, but they are also downright inspiring in the immediate short term, but especially in the long run. “Long-term hydration is the single best thing we can do to prevent chronic illness,” says Dr. Dana Cohen, an integrative medicine specialist in New York and coauthor of Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through


Inadequate hydration can cause extreme fatigue, poor memory, dizziness, constipation, and even mood shifts. My mom as she got older didn’t drink enough water and she had problems related to dehydration.

This week, I will add water to my B.O.B. and it does go well with my daily goals too!

The 333 Rule of Survival is:

3 minutes without breathing (asphyxiation, blood loss) 3 hours without shelter in an extreme environment (exposure) 3 days without water (dehydration) 3 weeks without food (starvation)

But the great news is that water can have immediate benefits, even within 10 minutes or less.

Since water weighs about 8 pounds a gallon, the weight carrying it can add up quickly so it is a good idea to only put in your kit what you can realistically carry for a long period of time.

I am going to add 4 – 16.9 ounce water bottles to my 72 hour bag. That way I will have the most basic amount of water on hand if needed. That weighs about 4.25 pounds and won’t be to hard for me to carry and also the plastic bottle won’t pierce to easily, which I definitely don’t want them to leak! That wouldn’t be good so I put 2 in ziploc bags to help if the do leak.

Also, to help me drink more water, I am going to try adding some things to my water to add taste or benefits so I am more apt to want to drink it!

I am going to try different fruits to infuse in the water so not only will it add to the taste, but have extra vitamins and electrolytes in it! So it will be a win-win for me!

I added watermelon, grapes, cherries, a peppermint and spearmint leaf, and some ice and it is delicious and so was the fruit when I finished the water!

Also, I am going to try and few other things like the following and see what I might like the best.

I will add a little honey and maybe a spearmint or peppermint leaf for added taste!
Adding a little Neuro-Mag Powder might have extra benefits like better brain performance, memory & attention, and has tasty citrus and tropical flavor! Sounds to me like it’s worth a try!


Cheers and drink up the wonderful gift of healthy, healing, and thirst-quenching water!





So instead of Mayday, SOS, or Help, I will close with…


Anchors A Weigh In


As you are…

because loving ourselves and others is what makes life worth living!




Wow look at this!

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