How convenient that the day that I was going to post this was the day that we had the total eclipse!

It just happened to be the weekly blog that I was adding a lighting item to my B.O.B. since a total eclipse brings darkness for a few minutes, but I fell behind and am just now getting back to it. It was interesting to see a total eclipse of the moon covering the sun! And luckily, I didn’t need a light since it was only dark for a few of minutes.

I just love the magazine page in the photo(below) from The Gymnast Magazine from years ago, because it is so true!

“I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within, it is there all the time”!

We all have that light inside of us that we can let shine anytime we want to!



I hadn’t posted for weeks until today and I am going to continue to post until I have my twelve B.O.B. category items in my kit and I lose at least 7 pounds and my goal for that is by July 4th, Independence Day!


1)My weight for this week:



It’s the same as it’s been consistently for months! That is a good and bad thing! It’s good because I haven’t gained weight! The bad news is that I haven’t lost weight, but I am starting to feel a little better since I have been drinking at least 6 cups of water a day, walking at least 5000 steps a day and tracking my food and drink intake so I am more aware, and I am working on cutting back even if it’s only a little bit at a time!

This week I will add at least a couple sources of lighting in my kit.

There are thousands of lighting options out there and at every price range, size, and shape. They range from very small keychain lights, headlamps, lanterns to very large tactical flashlights.

Having a main flashlight and at least one or two smaller back-up sources are good to always carry or keep close at hand so you don’t get caught in the dark no matter your location.

It’s your personal choice and just having one that fits your budget is a good choice. Like anything else, you get what you pay for, but one is better than none. (2+ is best)!

Some lighting choices are:

keychain lights, emergency flashlights, flashlights, headlamps, lanterns, and light sticks.

Your cell phone is always a good back up for lighting too so try and keep it charged just in case you need it!

Fire: waterproof matches, lighters, small candles, candle lanterns, magnesium fire starters and fire tinder.

Add what fits your needs the best.

These are the lighting items that I added to my B.O.B(72 Hour Emergency Kit).


Wow look at this!

This is an optional, highly
customizable off canvas area.

About Salient

The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

T: +216 (0)40 3629 4753
E: [email protected]