(MAYDAY! ˌɛsˌoʊˈɛs ) noun1.  a signal of distress in code (· · · − − − · · ·) (S.O.S.) used internationally in wirelesstelegraphy, as by ships 2.  Informal any call for help



S.O.S. ˌɛsˌoʊˈɛs ) noun1.  a signal of distress in Morse code (· · · − − − · · ·) used internationally in wireless telegraphy, by ships 2.  Informal any call for help.

FYI: Other ways to say “HELP”!

My scale seems to be malfunctioning!

Roger that! 10-4 is a way of saying “message received” in radio communications. It’s also used as a way to say “you got it.”

Or is it time for me to face reality and make better daily health and nutrition choices if I want to feel better, lose and maintain a healthy weight since I am just under 5′ 2″? I do not want to just focus on weight, but I know I will feel better, and I will be healthier if I lose some weight and that is what is most important to me.

I have always fluctuated in weight and usually I have been 10-20 pounds over what I should weigh. I have always been self-conscious of that and had poor body image and low self-esteem. I am working on loving myself as I am, but I know this isn’t easy and it will take me time since it has been many decades of this kind of thinking. I am posting my weight more as a measuring tool for me while I work on my health. I am not going to dwell on it and my true guide will be on how I feel, and I know I will feel better when I lose weight or in realistic terms, lose excess adipose tissue or in layman’s terms just plain fatty fat!

I need to get my head out of the sand and work on more be aware of my moment-by-moment choices for my future self.


Yes, it is 10-4-2023 today and I weighed…

Not 10-4 like the date, but 140 pounds

In other words, please stop talking about it and just DO IT!

My goal is to be able to step on the scale and say…

I wrote this post a year ago and never posted it! Well, a year later…this is where that I am at:


144! I don’t think this is the direction that I wanted or want to go!

One year ago today, I weighed 140 pounds and today I weigh144 pounds! That isn’t the direction that I wanted to go! So, I went back and read all the blog posts that I have written up to today and I haven’t completed some of the goals that I wanted to reach. I had planned on deleting this website at the end of this month since I haven’t been using it, but I decided to keep it until the end of the year and work on reaching the goals that I haven’t reached yet.

So, I plan on posting weekly at least until the end of the year and my goal in the next 3 months is to get in shape by losing some weight and also decreasing my bmi, doing some things out of my comfort zone while I am working on trying to better myself every day and update my 72-hour emergency bag (B.O.B.) and some skills that go with it.

As I am trying to keep my chin up after revisiting this past year and my posts and not making the progress that I had wanted, I will post next week and for the next 12 weeks and reassess then, but really focusing on one day at a time and my daily choices that will help get me to my goals.

The biggest thing for me to remember while doing this, is to make my daily choices a lifestyle that I can realistically live with!


Wow look at this!

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About Salient

The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

T: +216 (0)40 3629 4753
E: [email protected]