He died 29 years ago today at the young age of 65. He had just retired after working his whole life and also had just celebrated 40 years of marriage with my mother and that was all in the same year that he had passed. He had worked full-time, went to night school to get his bachelors’ degree, was in the naval guard all while raising 12 kids.

My dad was a good, loving, kind, hardworking man who loved our mom and his family very much. He worked very hard and sacrificed so much for us.
We miss him dearly!

I don’t know how my parents did it, but thank you dad and to my still surviving beautiful mother for doing so much for us. We all really appreciate our loving parents and all they did for us!

When my dad would fly, he would have a flight plan with a destination and directions on how he would get there! He would plan and prep before he would take off in flight to reach his destination.

He would say that you need to make a plan to get from Point A to Point B.

I am ready to learn to fly or realistically I would be happy with baby stepping my way toward my goals to achieve them! I want to be a little bit better today than I was yesterday! I would be very happy with that!

For the last few years I haven’t had a schedule or plan for the destinations or goals that I want to achieve. I have been going aimlessly from one thing to another and I do not feel good about the results that I had made doing that.

I would go whatever direction the wind was blowing!

I think that is why my dad never trusted the wind while flying. He would say it isn’t predictable, you can’t see it and it can be very dangerous. It can throw you off course making it hard to get to your destination safely.

I think without a destination and a schedule to get there, it is easy to veer off course and never achieve what you would like to achieve. And over the years that can be very frustrating!

Most of my life I have had a structured daily schedule and I always had to be somewhere most of the day. That started when I attended kindergarten until about 10 years ago when I quit working at a 8-5 job.

I realized that I really need structure and accountability in order to continue moving forward in the direction that “God willing” I want to go!

So what do I truly want my life to look like, what steps do I need to get there, and am I ready for changing my direction?

And I know intentional personal change can only happen if I am willing and ready to change. One of the fastest ways to ensure readiness for change is to create clarity and to to stay focused on the destination! So I really need to work on creating specific goals, planning the steps, and making the choices that I need to do to achieve them by “keeping my eye on the prize”!

So, my intent right now is to work on improving myself mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, financially, etc., etc…one baby step at a time.

I will work on flying toward my goals like my dad did years ago!

The above photo is the brochure of one of the first inspirational seminars that I attended combined with one of my favorite awards. I received a certificate for completing the seminar and the trophy is the best gymnast award I received while attending a cheer leading camp. Both of these were so long ago, but I still remember that it felt great receiving the certificate for the class and receiving this trophy! It felt great and I want to remember that feeling so it will help to motivate me to achieve more of my goals. And both of these topics reminded me of my dad and him soaring towards his destinations and his love of flying since that was one of his dreams!

And I know this will take time, planning, and

preparing just like my dad would do before taking flight!



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The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

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