… it didn’t turn out the way I had planned or should I say didn’t plan!

Am I ready and do I have a plan? H*ll NO!

The original intent of this website was to sell 72-hour emergency kits and emergency preparedness and wellness products. We included information and products on basic emergency preparedness that might help someone to be more prepared in emergency situations.

We started this website many years after a tornado hit our house, street, and community in 2002.

We wanted to let everyone know how important it is to have an emergency plan and kit ready. And that is also what every emergency preparedness agency recommends too, so we decided to sell them.

But it didn’t work out so well! We started without preparing and a planning to do so! It’s ironic since that’s what the business was about! Preparing and planning!

We opened a brick & mortar business selling emergency kits and emergency preparedness and wellness products in a small retail space a few years ago and that’s also when we created this website.

Above are a few photos that we had in the store along with some of the products(below) that we were selling. As we all know, small and large emergencies can happen anytime for all of us and life can change in an instant!

Well, many years later and many dollars poorer, I failed in that business. Hopefully I’m wiser for it, but I’m not so sure about that, but I did learn a lot along the way! I think the biggest reasons that I failed is I didn’t live it and feel confident enough in myself on the topic so I didn’t “put myself out there”! I couldn’t and didn’t sell it to others except to some family and friends that wanted to help me!

Along with that, I had my old friend, “Fear of Failure” by my side and ironically that is what I did! With “friends” like that, who needs any enemies?

Needless to say, I had to close the doors! Hindsight, “the doors” were closed before I ever opened them!

I just saw this quote by, “Erin Hanson” from Letters to Andrew(Carnegie) and wanted to share it since it puts a positive spin to falling down and failure.

But even if you do fall or fail, then the best thing that we can do it is pat yourself on the back for trying, learn from it, get back up, dust yourself off and move on! As they say if you fall off a horse, then get back on it!

But what if you don’t fall, but you fly?

Looks to me like it’s a win/win! You can learn something and grow and you can also learn to fly just like my dad did!

I think this is a good time to segue into the way that I am going to use this website and blog at this point in time after failing(falling), but learning a lot along the way!

I decided to use this blog to focus on my goals and steps to achieve them so I can try and better myself everyday! I am also going to add products, affiliate links, photos, and videos to teach, promote, and sell items that help me and hopefully others while doing this. That would be awesome and another win/win scenario in my book! And an extra bonus chapter is that many of these topics and products are associated with personal wellness and emergency preparedness.

I am also going to build a 72 hour kit for myself and I will add an item(s) to my 72 hour bag each week since I don’t have one ready right now. I know that it could come in handy to use for everyday and larger emergencies because I am afraid they do happen to all of us! Putting together a 72 hour emergency kit is one of the goals that I want to work on in this blog along with many others.

It never hurts to have one ready to use everyday if you need any items in it, but make sure you replace anything that you take out so you will have them when you need them in a real emergency! I hope it might help you build your own too since it is important to have one ready just in case…!

He has his ready because he doesn’t want to end up like the other doggies shown in the photos below if he can help it!

Actually, they are some of the lucky ones that got rescued and hopefully they can be returned to their owners. A lot of these scenarios don’t turn out as well! A big reason why we want to be as prepared as we possibly can and for our pets too!

Life Happens!

Ready or Not!


Wow look at this!

This is an optional, highly
customizable off canvas area.

About Salient

The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

T: +216 (0)40 3629 4753
E: [email protected]