This a perfect time to tell our family and friends how much we love and appreciate them! I don’t think you can say that too much anyway! I am very grateful and thankful for all the blessings that I have in my life!

I am going to really work on being more present in my life and enjoying the here and now more especially when I am with the wonderful people in my life. Thanksgiving and the holiday season is a perfect time to do this and to reach out to people we don’t normally see or talk to and tell them how much they mean to us and appreciate them in our lives.

This is also a time when we will be traveling more especially by car and a good way to segue into our weekly “to do” project which is putting together some essential items that may come in handy while we are driving for longer periods of time or if we have any car problems while traveling this week or anytime!

I made my hand sanitizer and breath spray for my kit. I keep them close by when I am driving especially the breath spray because it has peppermint essential oil in it and peppermint is known to help with focus and to alert because I tend to get tired while driving. It does help me feel more energized but only for a short time, but definitely won’t keep me awake if I am too tired.

The Hand Sanitizer and Breath & Refresher Spray that I keep in my car.

I will include the recipes that I used to make both of these items when putting my together a 72 hour bag later on.

I also keep a few of these Focus Tea packets in my kit because they are easy to pour in a container of water and help me stay more focused. And an extra bonus it tastes good!

I get the Spearmint Focus Tea Packets from Life Extension if you want to try them for yourself.

I keep a pocket knife with a few extra tools, mace, glass a breaker/seat belt cutter in the compartment of my driver’s door for quick and easy access.
A few more items “just in case”

I will continually update and refill items as I need or use them and everyone should customize their kits to fit their families and schedules.

Speaking of driving, I hit a road block in the last few weeks with my daily goals.

Or you can say I hit a plateau and drove off the edge! I know it can be normal to do this as long as I get myself back on track as soon and as much as I can!

I was making progress, but my weight was staying about the same and I was feeling better, but not a big change, so I basically quit tracking my goals and trying to achieve them like I had been even though I want to make them into part of my daily lifestyle.

I know Thanksgiving might not be the best time to try and get back on track, but when is the perfect time? Well, I think I answered my own question that there is no perfect time, but on second thought, there is a perfect time and I believe that time is now since NOW is all that I have!

With that said, I will get back up on the horse so to speak and begin tracking daily, but maybe tweak my mindset a little. Instead of looking at doing it as a chore, I am going to look at it that every time I do and complete one of them, I will think in terms of how much it is helping me and how much better I will feel when I go to bed and have done the best that I can today!

So when I do hit a road block, speed bump, or on a plateau,

I will work on keeping going as best as I can to get thru it or over it!

Just so I don’t stop moving or get stagnant and that I keep moving forward!

I will



So with that said, it sounds like it couldn’t be a better time to jump start my engine and get back on the road and continue driving towards my destination including all the road blocks, speed bumps, detours, and delays of life!

And regardless of the time of year

I am very grateful and thankful for all the blessings that I have in my life whether I am in a plateau or on top of the world it’s much better to spend and enjoy it with my favorite PEEPS!

Wow look at this!

This is an optional, highly
customizable off canvas area.

About Salient

The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

T: +216 (0)40 3629 4753
E: [email protected]